Cognitive Interviews for NACCC Survey [Paid Research Opportunity]

The USC Race and Equity Center is offering a new paid research opportunity for staff members at colleges and universities to participate in cognitive interviews for the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC) survey. We are interested in collecting staff members’ opinions and feedback on the survey item pool. 

The purpose of the NACCC survey is to understand staff members’ experiences related to race in and around their college campus so institutional leaders can better understand and more strategically address racial problems on campus. The survey collects data including staff members’ appraisals of institutional commitment to equity and inclusion, the extent to which they interact meaningfully with diverse others, where and what they learn about race, and their feelings of readiness for participation in a racially diverse democracy. 

The cognitive interview takes about 90 minutes to complete. Staff members interested in participating are to indicate their interest by submitting an eligibility screening form. Selected participants will be contacted to schedule a 90-minute time slot to meet with an interviewer and review the survey. Participants who complete the survey will receive a $50 Amazon eGift card.

For more information, contact the USC Race and Equity Center.