Staff Performance Management Website

With the Annual Performance Review (APR) cycle underway, staff are encouraged to visit the Staff Performance Management site. The site offers tools, workshops, and resources to support all four stages of USC’s performance cycle: planning, coaching, evaluating, and rewarding. Workshops on preparing and delivering APRs are also available in the coming weeks for employees and managers….Continue Reading Staff Performance Management Website

Spring Retirement Planning Week

Starting Monday, March 24, USC is offering a week of retirement planning workshops where you can learn more about your options to prepare for a successful retirement and set yourself up for the future. A variety of retirement topics will be covered at the virtual daily sessions. Get the full schedule on the Employee Gateway….Continue Reading Spring Retirement Planning Week

Arab American Heritage Month

Please join us as we honor Arab American Heritage Month with a special event featuring remarks from President Carol Folt, faculty, and students. Enjoy cultural performances, light traditional refreshments, and meaningful conversation while exploring the theme “Roots Grow, Branches Reach. Thursday, April 3, 202512:00 PM – 1:30 PMHahn Plaza Let us know if you plan…Continue Reading Arab American Heritage Month