6/26: Scholarship deadline extended to July 15, 2020. …Continue Reading 6/26: Scholarship Application Deadline Extended
6/26: Scholarship Application Deadline Extended

6/26: Scholarship deadline extended to July 15, 2020. …Continue Reading 6/26: Scholarship Application Deadline Extended
6/26: June Meeting Highlights…Continue Reading 6/26: June General Staff Assembly Meeting Highlights
6/26: Staff and Faculty work collaboratively on recommendations for OCAP review…Continue Reading 6/26: Report & Recommendations from OCAP Joint Committee
6/26: A Message to the USC Community from USC Staff Assembly…Continue Reading 6/26: Staff Assembly Letter to the Community
June 18, 2020 Encourages people to ride public transportation instead of driving and save money. Sponsored by American Public Transportation Association (APTA) – http://apta.com PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FACTS Public transportation transforms communities and the lives of the people living in them by spurring economic development, promoting sustainable lifestyles and providing a higher quality of life. Every segment…Continue Reading Dump the Pump Day
Call to Action to Confront anti-Blackness and Systemic Racism…Continue Reading 6/11: A Message to the USC Community from President Folt
6/10: Vigil for Black Lives…Continue Reading 6/10: Say Their Names: Honoring Black Lives Vigil
President Folt outlines preliminary plans for the fall semester….Continue Reading 6/4: Framework for 2020-2021 Academic Year Announced
6/3: June Staff Recognition Award Announcement…Continue Reading 6/3: June Staff Recognition Award Announcement