11/3: Free Rides From Metro on Election Day…Continue Reading 11/3: Election Day
11/3: Election Day

11/3: Free Rides From Metro on Election Day…Continue Reading 11/3: Election Day
10/23: Join us for a virtual coffee break with USC Athletic Director on October 28th at noon…Continue Reading 10/23: Join us for a Virtual Coffee Break with Athletic Director Mike Bohn
10/23: All workshop attendees this week were winners, but these two won the BASKETS!!!…Continue Reading 10/23: Congratulations to our Workshop Winners!
10/16: Video on Demand – Election Workshop for Prospective Members…Continue Reading 10/16: Video on Demand – So, You Want to Run for a Seat on Staff Assembly
10/16: Video on Demand – Earthquake (+MORE) Preparedness Workshop…Continue Reading 10/16: Video On Demand – Earthquake Preparedness Workshop
10/15: Virtual events planned for staff during Staff Assembly nomination week…Continue Reading 10/15: Staff Assembly Releases Full Schedule of Engagement Activities
10/7: Provost provides financial updates to Staff Assembly and Academic Senate…Continue Reading 10/7: Staff Assembly joins Academic Senate for Financial Update
10/9 – Staff Assembly will conduct elections for new members…Continue Reading 10/9 – Staff Assembly Announces Fall Election Season
10/8: October Recognition Award Recipient Announcement…Continue Reading 10/8: October 2020 Recognition Award Recipient Announcement
October 7, 2020 https://cleanairday.org/ When it comes to air pollution, we can all do our part to improve air quality and protect public health. In a state with some of the worst air pollution in the United States, it is imperative that we do! California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared…Continue Reading California Clean Air Day