Election Announcement

11/14: Final Days to Participate in the 2020 Election

We are grateful to all who have already voted in our fall election. If you are still reviewing the candidates or were not aware, the polls are open until 5 pm on November 18. There is still time for you to participate. You may select up to fifteen (15) candidates on your ballot.

When you are ready, access the ballot. Your login is the 10-digit number from your USCard and your password is the last four (4) digits of your Employee ID number, which can be found in Workday or on a pay slip.

Ballots will be tallied starting November 19, and staff members receiving the most votes will be contacted to reaffirm their willingness to serve sometime between November 23 and December 6.  Newly elected Staff Assembly members will be confirmed at our General Assembly meeting on Friday, December 11, 2020.

Your participation in the selection of those who will represent our voice in the staff government is critical and appreciated. The pandemic and working from home make the campaigning process more challenging for the candidates – please vote and encourage your staff member colleagues to do the same!
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Alert: Sites at USC Currently Undergoing Maintenance
The Sites at USC platform is currently in scheduled maintenance from Saturday, May 18th, 1:30 AM, through Sunday, May 19th, 1:30 AM. During this period, all sites are in read-only mode, and site owners will be unable to log in or make edits. Visitors can still access and navigate sites as usual. Thank you for your patience.