Staff Assembly 2023 Senate Elections

Staff Assembly is proud to announce the results from this year’s elections conducted from May 17th through May 31st, 2023.  

What is Staff Assembly?

USC Staff Assembly is an officially recognized branch of the university governance system that promotes the growth and welfare of all USC staff members. The Assembly comprises 60 seats, representing more than 12,500 regular, benefits-eligible staff.  Historically, assembly seats are allocated across Personnel Classification (exempt and non-exempt); Campus Group (UPC/HSC/Satellite); and At-Large designations.   

Our organizational structure consists of nine (9) Standing Committees and an Executive Committee, which comprises the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees and the Officers (President, Vice-President, Parliamentarian, and Secretary). More information about Staff Assembly can be found here:     

When Will the 2023 Election be Held? 

Voting will open at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 and close at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.   

How Will I Vote? 

This year, Staff Assembly Elections will be conducted online via the EngageSC platform.  Please be aware that most of the information from Staff Assembly about this year’s election and the link to your online election ballot will be sent to your USC email through EngageSC.  Emails from EngageSC will show in your USC email as “Campus Groups” (e.g.,  

What Should I Expect? 

All eligible staff will receive an email notification inviting them to vote in this year’s election and containing a link to the online voting ballot in EngageSC.  This email will come from Campus Groups (e.g.,  You will be required to login to EngageSC using your USC NetID.  Information about the USC NetID is available here 

What is Different This Year?  

This year will be the first to seat 30 Staff Senators as part of the new Bicameral structure (Senate & House of Representatives). All eligible staff will participate in micro-elections to elect an area representative (Senator).  Some schools and units will share a Senate seat.  A chart showing the allocation of these seats can be viewed here. Thoughtful consideration by Staff Assembly was taken in determining an allocation model that would provide a wide representation of schools and business units.   

Why Did Staff Assembly Change the Organizational Structure? 

After careful consideration and research, and affirmative votes in 2020 and 2021, the Staff Assembly is incorporating a new Bicameral structure: Senate (30 seats) and House of Representatives (30 seats), while retaining our current 60-seat membership.  The aim of the new structure is to ensure greater staff representation and promote stronger engagement within schools and business units across USC. Through this new model, Staff Assembly aims to be a cohesive representation of staff capabilities, needs, and desires in the shared governance of our great institution. The Staff Assembly Reorganization Resolution (June 2021) can be viewed here. 

How was the Senate Seat Allocation Determined? 

Understanding that 30 Senate seats would need to be allocated to incorporate more than 100 areas across all campus, an analysis of the USC staff count was conducted using data from Workday and a study was undertaken to provide recommendations on an allocation model that considered additional factors such as discipline and/or areas of focus and geography.  The Senate seat allocation for our 2023 elections was reviewed and approved by the Rules and Elections Committee, Executive Committee, and Staff Assembly Officers. 

What Should I Do If I’m Interested in Serving as a Senator for My Area?

Joining Staff Assembly is a wonderful opportunity to develop leadership experience, become involved governance, and serve as an advocate in addressing issues and concerns impacting university staff.  We encourage all eligible staff interested in serving as a Senator to actively engage with their colleagues and share a statement of interest and/or short candidate bio. You may also want to consult with your school/unit for guidance on how to post and/or distribute campaign information.

When are Votes Tabulated and Senators Announced?  

Ballots will be tallied starting June 1, 2023.  Staff members receiving the most votes will be contacted to affirm their willingness to serve as a Senator. The 2023-2025 Senate membership will be posted on the Staff Assembly website during the week of June 26 and will be announced at our June 30 General Assembly meeting. 

Election Resources

EngageSC Get Started Quick Guide

2023 Senate Seats by Seat Number and Area

Open Letter to 2022-2023 Members Regarding Staff Assembly 2023 Elections

Staff Assembly Reorganization Report February 2020

Senate Election Information Session – (Zoom recording from 2/27/2023)