USC Culture Survey Launched

A message from Michael Burroughs, PhD, executive director, organizational change, ethics and culture.

Dear Staff Assembly Colleagues,

I’m reaching out to encourage you to take the USC Culture Survey which launched on Monday, January 22nd as announced by both President Folt and SVP of HR, Felicia Washington. We are at a significant moment in USC’s Culture Journey, and this is a great opportunity for you to share your voice and help shape our future. Upon completion of the survey, you will also be invited to enter an optional raffle to win a $100 gift card for the USC Bookstore.

The survey will run for 3-4 weeks, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and is open to USC staff, students, and faculty. Your responses are completely confidential. All data will be aggregated and reported to USC for the sole purpose of assessing our culture and informing our continuous improvement efforts. Please note that Keck Medicine of USC staff are exempt from this survey (due to Keck Medicine staff participation in and ongoing action planning related to the SCORE survey). The FAQ on the USC Culture Journey website contains more information.

 In addition to sharing your voice by taking this important university-wide survey, I would greatly appreciate your help in promoting the survey with your colleagues. To help spread the word, please download these customized Zoom backgrounds and email signatures and use them throughout the survey period. Also, feel free to print, post, and share these fliers that promote survey participation and let people know when events are happening at UPC and HSC.

Thank you, and Fight On!