Staff Assembly Election 2024 FAQ

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What is the Staff Assembly? 

The Assembly represents more than 12,500 regular (non-union), benefits-eligible staff and comprises 60 total seats with 30 being held by Representatives and 30 by Senators.  

Representative seats are allocated across Personnel Classification (exempt and non-exempt); Campus Group (UPC/HSC/Satellite); and At-Large designations. Senator seats are allocated to allow the widest possible representation across over 100 schools and business units. A chart showing each may be viewed here.       

What is the organizational structure of the Staff Assembly? 

The Staff Assembly organizational structure consists of nine (9) Standing Committees and an Executive Committee, which comprises the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees and the Officers (President, Vice-President, Parliamentarian, and Secretary). More information about Staff Assembly can be found here.     

All Staff Assembly Representatives and Senators, except Officers, serve on at least one standing committee each year. 

If elected, how long do I serve? 

Each term of office is two (fiscal) years. If re-elected, you may serve no more than two two-year, consecutive terms before “terming out.” You become eligible for election again after a hiatus of at least one year.  

What is the time commitment? 

The average time commitment for Staff Assembly members is 5-7 hours each month.  

This includes the monthly General Assembly meeting, which is typically held on the last Friday of each month from 9:30am to 11am (virtually, on Zoom). Some additional time may be spent reviewing emails and reading and remarking on meeting minutes, which accounts for 1-2 hours per month. Committee meetings are held monthly and typically run for an hour. Some tasks may result from those meetings.   

What else should I consider regarding the expected commitment of time?  

Service on Staff Assembly is official USC work and is considered paid time. The decision to serve on Staff Assembly should be taken seriously and those who are unable to meet the minimum attendance requirements and may fall below the 75%-time threshold, will be removed and replaced by the next eligible alternate. It is up to each individual to ensure their ability to meet the minimum requirements.  

I’m interested in running for Staff Assembly. What Should I Do? 

Joining Staff Assembly is a wonderful opportunity to develop leadership experience, become involved in governance, and serve as an advocate in addressing issues and concerns impacting university staff.  We encourage all eligible staff interested in serving to actively engage with their colleagues and share a statement of interest and/or short candidate bio. You may also want to consult with your school/unit for guidance on how to post and/or distribute campaign information. 

When will Elections be held?  

Staff Assembly governance documents indicate that elections are to be held no less than once a year (SoPs, Section 2.h.). Further, the process should take place in April and be completed no later than the week before the last General Assembly meeting of the fiscal year, which is typically the last Friday of June (SoPs, Section 2.g.).  

In 2024, the election cycle is expected to begin on Friday, April 5 with nominations voting. Final election voting will conclude on Monday, May 6th. New members will be notified in mid-to-late May with newly elected individuals invited to attend the May General Assembly meeting as well as the June transition meeting. 

Who is eligible to serve on Staff Assembly? 

All benefits-eligble, non-union staff are eligible with the exception of individuals who are currently serving on the Assembly and completing their second year of their second term (“terming out”) and individuals who have been removed from the Assembly within the last year. Those people are eligible again after a hiatus. 

Who is elligible to vote? 

All benefits-eligible, non-union staff. This list is provided through ITS and is determined based on Workday data. 

How will USC staff vote? 

Staff Assembly Elections will be conducted online via the EngageSC platform again this year.  

All eligible staff will receive an email notification inviting them to vote in this year’s election and containing a link to the online voting ballot in EngageSC.  This email will come from Campus Groups (e.g.,  You will be required to login to EngageSC using your USC NetID.  Information about the USC NetID is available here.   

EngageSC Get Started Quick Guide 

What is a Survey? 

What might be typically called a “ballot” during an election cycle is called a “survey” in EngageSC. Voting instructions will be provided within each survery in EngageSC.